10 Harmful Effects of Junk Food on Mental Health
Here’s an interesting fact. Your brain never switches off. Even when you are tucked up in bed at night, sleeping peacefully, your brain is still working away - priming your body for the day ahead. The brain has an incredibly high energy demand. In fact, despite only weighing 2% of your body weight, the brain uses about 20% of the calories you consume. It uses these calories t[...]
How Going On A Diet Can Lead to Emotional Eating
How many types of diets have you seen pop-up on your social media? Paleo, vegan, pescatarian, flexitarian, juice cleanses, the keto diet… The list seems never-ending. When done correctly, these diets can undoubtedly help you reach your health goals, but if done too restrictively or over long periods of time, they can take a drastic toll on your mental and physical well-being. [...]
Five Ways Hypnosis Can Help You Lose Weight
Hypnosis dates back to the 18th century where it was first used to treat patients in Paris and Vienna. Today, hypnosis as a form of treatment (hypnotherapy) has gained greater acceptance and is now used widely by licensed health professionals to successfully treat a variety of conditions. What is hypnosis and hypnotherapy? [...]
7 Tips to Break Away From Binge Eating
When was the last time you sat down to watch TV or a movie with a bowl of buttery popcorn or a tub of your favourite icecream? You reach your hand or spoon into the bowl to get some more, and “oops”, it’s all gone! I’m sure this has happened to every one of us at some point. We end up mindlessly binge eating our way through snacks, consumed by what’s on the screen. But what happens when these one-off episodes of binge eating become a habit? Understanding what a binge eating disorder is Binge e[...]
How to Overcome Emotional Eating
Do you find yourself reaching for a slice of chocolate cake when you’re feeling down? As you sink your teeth into the creamy icing - dopamine (the feel-good hormone) gets released int[...]
Bulimia: Fuelled by Social Media
As you scroll through your Facebook or Instagram feed, how often do images of people with incredible bodies pop up?Chances are – you are confronted with images of people with thin frames or athletic physiques several times a day. Admiring someone's physique is perfectly acceptable. However, it can quickly become a cause of concern if you start comparing your body to theirs, taking drastic, unhealthy steps to achieve that 'look'. [...]
How to stay motivated to manage bulimia
This article was updated on 28 October 2021, after being first published on 22 December 2013. Bulimia is a common yet highly distressing disorder impacting up to 2.9% of women in Australia. It involves phases of eating huge quantities of food in an uncontrollable manner followed by behaviours to avoid weight gain including vomiting, using laxatives, diuretics or other diet pills, or excessive exercises. These behaviours must continue once per week for three months to qualify for a DSM diagnosis of bulimia. While [...]
Couples Counselling – An Essential Circuit Breaker For Working From Home and Relationship Stress
With the pandemic lingering around for longer than we thought, we’ve all tried our best to adapt to the new normal. We now work from the same beds that we sleep on, order meals at home, and meet our friends on video calls. But whilst we’ve managed to maintain communication with others, many of us have unknowingly hit the mute button on our romantic relationships. Let’s rewind to when Covid first hit. Back then, many of us thought that working from home presented us with the perfect opportunity to spend valuable time with our partner[...]