How can I tell that I have an eating disorder?

We live in a world where we are bombarded with images and messages about our bodies. If our bodies don’t look a particular way, there is an implication that there is something fundamentally wrong about ourselves that we should address. If after having a baby we aren’t back in a bikini within a few months, we are labelled as lazy. Dieting is part of modern life I think it would be hard to find an adult, male or female, who hasn’t dieted at some point in their lives. For short periods of time, dieti[...]

Submitted by Adam Szmerling on November 24, 2013
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What treatment is there for ocd?

OCD or obsessive compulsive disorder is a crippling and horrific experience. It involves intense anxiety and afflicted individuals often feel ruled by the disorder. OCD includes obsessive or recurrent thoughts, images or impulses which generate psychological unease, fear and worry. Compulsive acts to ward off the psychological disturbance often follow or can occur independently and typically include checking, hand-washing, hoarding, counting or ritualised procedures. However the nature of the compulsions can lead [...]

Submitted by Adam Szmerling on November 23, 2013
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Phubbing: Psychological reasons and remedies

Have you been phubbed yet today? Have you phubbed someone without realising it? Phubbing refers to an individual using their mobile electronic device either sporadically or continuously when they are in the company of others. Given society’s obsession with facebook, twitter, my space, texting, emailing and instant responding, it’s no wonder this process has been given a name all of its own. Why, when you are hanging out with your best friend, your kids or your partner, would you end up phubbing such important people? The answe[...]

Submitted by Adam Szmerling on August 6, 2013
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Do People Really Get Addicted To Chocolate?

Yes people, especially women, can become dependent on chocolate; but it is important to understand that chocolate is not an addictive substance itself. A dependency on chocolate can occur however, but as a result of more complex combinations of physical and psychological reasons and in the physical, are thought to be more commonly connected to additive ingredients. Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine which are both addictive compounds, while the high fat and carbohydrate content in chocolate stimulates gre[...]

Submitted by Adam Szmerling on June 19, 2013
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Emotional Maltreatment: The Abuse That’s Not Easy To See

Lots has been written about the catastrophic effects of physical or sexual abuse during childhood and adolescence. There is no doubt these events often leave an individual traumatised and unable to fully function in life, relationships and work. Something characterised as traumatic, for an individual, often occurs retroactively (as meaning is later constructed – or put differently, it is language and meaning which traumatises). What about emotional maltreatment? However, there is comparatively less li[...]

Submitted by Adam Szmerling on June 2, 2013
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Coping with abandonment feelings

Abandonment feelings can be some of the most difficult emotions to bear. The sense of isolation, loneliness, hurt, rage and hopelessness that often present with abandonment feelings make the experience even more daunting and excruciating. No wonder so many of us run around trying to avoid acknowledging or experiencing abandonment feelings in their full force. Where do abandonment feelings come from? Abandonment feelings typically have their origin early in life when caregivers (usually our parents) fail[...]

Submitted by Adam Szmerling on June 1, 2013
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Difficulties Receiving Love In Various Forms

I cant recall how many times I've heard friends, relatives and work colleagues ponder whether their partner, parents or children really love them. Love is such a complex topic but essentially we are all looking for it in different parts of our lives and experience different sorts of love with our partners, children, parents, relatives and friends. I don't feel loved by those around me However, even if we are lucky enough to be surrounded by people who do love us, it is sometimes very difficult to accept[...]

Submitted by Adam Szmerling on May 31, 2013
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Adam Szmerling

Bayside Psychotherapy was founded by Adam Szmerling in Melbourne, offering counselling and psychotherapy for individuals and couples. Adam's experience with psychotherapy inspired him to help others improve their self-understanding, mental health and wellbeing.

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Therapists who do online

  • Adam Szmerling
  • Carolina Rosa
  • Kelli Tranter
  • Lawrence Akers
  • Humaira Ansari
  • Natalie Szmerling
  • Sara Herring
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Therapists who do in-clinic

  • Adam Szmerling
  • Natalie Szmerling
  • Lawrence Akers
  • Carolina Rosa
  • Sara Herring


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